Hagiography events in Thessaloniki
The first one had the subject "History and literature about Saint Demetrius and his city from 8th to 12th century" and took place at 23-24 October co-organized with History Center of Thessaloniki and the Net of Textual and Ermeneutics of Church Tradition. This symposium was the 5th in a row and its scope is to gather all the literature from 4th c. to nowadays about the saint. During this symposium a great step for the progress of Hagiography Greek Society is anounced. The establishment in Thessaloniki of a "Saint Demetrius scholar Institute" which would be the first dedicated to Hagiography scientific institute in Greece. Earlier, at March, 20 another symposium about saint Gregorius Palamas was organized.
Last November also the same department co-organized with the foundation "Hagioritiki Estia" (Holy Mountain's house) another international symposium for the honor of St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite, because this year came 200 years from his dormition. Great work from the faculty and especialy the department of Christian Worship and Art. For more (in Greek) go to