Σάββατο 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2009

22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia 22-27 August 2011


Organized by the
Bulgarian Association of Byzantinists and Medievists, a collective
member of the Association Internationale des Études Byzantines
Patron: President of the Republic of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov


During the Congress there will be held:
  • 7 Plenary sessions; plenary papers have been allotted 30 minutes each.
  • Round Tables (communications have been allotted 15 minutes each). Round tables will have from 8 to 10 participants. Round-table chairs are urged to allow 20-30 minutes discussion at the end of each session.
  • Sessions of free communications (communications have been allotted 15 minutes each). Communications are grouped in thematic sessions of 8 to 10 papers. Session chairs are urged to allow 20 to 30 minutes for discussion at the end of each session.
  • Posters will be on display throughout the Congress, with their presenters being available for discussion at the times indicated.
  • Publication: The plenary papers will be published in one volume whereas the abstracts of the Round table and the Panel communications (of up to 1000 characters each) will be published in two volumes, if the finances allow it. In any event, all the abstracts will be uploaded on the web-site of the Congress.
  • Audio-visual materials: All rooms are equipped with a computer and a media-projector. Speakers who plan on using audio-visual materials are urged to come to their allotted room 20 minutes prior to the start of the session, to set up and check their CDs, memory sticks, etc.


Upon registration, Congress participants will receive a badge, bag and folder bearing the Congress logo and a copy of the proceedings.
Information, assistance, and the Congress packs can be found at the Registration Desk in the Central Foyer of the Sofia University Rectorate.



Première séance plénière (lundi, 22 août 2011) :
Introduction : Entre deux congrès Sofia : 1934-2011. Les congrès internationaux des études byzantines face à la conjoncture historique : Vassilka Tăpkova-Zaïmova, Maria Nystazopoulou-Pélékidou
L’idée et la mémoire de Byzance – réception sans frontières
  1. Byzantium as Seen by Itself – Images and Mechanisms at Work : Johannes Koder.
  2. Byzantium Viewed by the Others : Maria Mavroudi
  3. La réception de la littérature et de l’art byzantins dans le monde slave : Axinia Džurova, Vassia Velinova
  4. Nostalgia and Post-Byzantine “Use” of Byzantium : How and Why we Remember Byzantium ?: Silvia Ronchey
Deuxième séance plénière (lundi, 22 août 2011).
Les phénomènes du Mont Athos et du Mont Sinaï
  1.  Mount Athos and Political Thought in the Slavonic World  : Bojana Krsmanović
  2. The Writing Centre Mount Sinai Viewed from the Slavonic Tradition : Heinz Miklas
  3. The Mount Athos Archival and Library Evidence :Andreas Müller, Kiril Pavlikjanov
Troisième séance plénière (mardi, 23 août 2011)
Les villes et l’aménagement de l’espace
  1. Constantinople in Serbian Medieval Sources : Radivoj Radić
  2. Les villes et les Croisées : Antonio Carile
  3. A New Archaeological Study of Hagia Sophia : Ken Dark, Jan Kostenec
  4. Monumentality versus Economic Vitality: Was a Balance Struck in the Late Antique City : Marlia Mundell Mango
  5. The Byzantine Town: Producers and Consumers : Archibald Dunn
  6. La topographie sacrale et profane de la ville : Claudia Rapp, Arne Effenberger
Quatrième séance plénière (mercredi, 24 août 2011)
Libertés et restrictions à Byzance
  1. L’égalité comme principe de la justice sociale : I. P. Medvedev
  2. The Idea of Liberty in Byzantium : Dimiter G. Angelov
  3. State, Belief and Individual: a Byzantine Paradox : John Haldon
  4. Dikai kai Dikaiosyne  : Eleftheria Papagianni
  5. Reisen und Verkehrswege in Byzanz : Ewald Kislinger
  6. The Autocephalous Byzantine Church Province of Bulgaria/Ohrid : Günter Prinzing
Cinquième séance plénière (jeudi, 25 août 2011)
Mare Nostrum/ Mare Majus
  1. Main Changes in the Black Sea Trade and Navigation, 12th-15th Centuries : Serguej P. Karpov
  2. Venezia, Genova e il mar Nero-rivalità e commercio: Laura Balletto, Sandra Origone, Michel Balard
  3. Du Danube à l’Euphrate : frontières, navigation, commerce : Nevra Nečipoğlu (?)
  4. Da Bisanzio a Venezia, da Venezia a Bisanzio: circulazione di uomini, beni ed idee: Chryssa Maltézou
  5. Ports, Trading Posts and Shipping in the Blach Sea Area : Dimitar Dimitrov
  6. Le commerce au pourtour de la mer Noire : David Jacoby
Sixième séance plénière (vendredi, 26 août 2011)
Le sacré : la théologie et l’art à Byzance
  1. L’Enfer et le Royaume céleste dans leurs dimensions théologiques : Vassa Kontouma-Conticello
  2. La représentation de l’espace et du temps dans la peinture byzantine : Tania Velmans
  3. L’univers « visible » et « caché » des manuscrits : Guglielmo Cavallo
  4. The Limits of Conservatism in the Figurative Arts: Anthony Cutler
  5. Monumental Painting as a Historical Source. The Evidence of Church Inscriptions, Donor Portraits and Iconography (Projects and Perspectives) : Sophia Kalopissi-Verti
Septième séance plénière (samedi, 27 août 2011)
L’avenir des études byzantines
  1. The Perspectives of Byzantine Studies in the Face of the New Conditions of Scientific Work and Research:  Taxiarchos Kolias
  2. Information Approach to Studying on the Byzantine Law: The lexes and texts: Yury Vin
Eight exhibitions, a concert, a book fair, a Congress-souvenir shop, and a Congress post office have been arranged. All events listed in the Program are open to all registered participants on production of their badge.


  1. The Bulgarian-Byzantine Cultural Dialogue in the National Museum of History: 16 Vitoshko Lale St., Boyana.
  2. Greek Manuscripts in Bulgaria and in the Balkans in the National Art Gallery: 1 Battenberg Sq., Sofia.
  3. The Spirit of Byzantium: Slavonic Manuscripts in Bulgaria and in the Balkans in the Central Foyer of the National Library “Sts. Cyril and Methodius”: 88 Vassil Levski Blvd.
  4. The Balkan Icon World (with anthivola from the Makris-Margaritis Collection and the Manuscript collection of “Ivan Dujčev” Center for Slavonic and Byzantine Studies) in the Crypt of St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral (Department of Old Bulgarian Art at the National Art Gallery).
  5. Everyday Life Scenes from Medieval Bulgaria in the National Institute of Archaeology and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: 2 Saborna St., Sofia.
  6. Past and Present: the Message of Byzantium in the Union of the Bulgarian Artists Bldg.: 6 Shipka St., Sofia. Official opening: 7.00 pm, 26 August (Friday).
  7. Coins-and-Seals Exhibition in the National Institute of Archaeology and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: 2 Saborna St., Sofia.
  8. Photo Exhibit „Balkan Civilizations” in the Central Foyer of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.


The program includes Byzantine and Slavonic orthodox music and Bulgarian folklore pieces.


  1. National Museum of History: 16 Vitoshko Lale St., Boyana.
  2. National Art Gallery: 1 Battenberg Sq., Sofia.
  3. Crypt of St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral.
  4. National Institute of Archaeology and Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: 2 Saborna St., Sofia.
  5. Church History Museum.
  6. Union of the Bulgarian Artists Bldg.: 6 Shipka St., Sofia.
  7. Foreign Art National Gallery
  8. Boyana Church National Museum.
  9. The St.-George Rotunda.
  10. Basilica of St. Sophia.


Publishers and book-sellers will be exhibiting in the foyers of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” from Monday through Saturday, 23 – 27 August.


Seeing, Hearing, Reading and Believing. Authorities in the Middle Ages

International Conference

Helsinki, Finland
20th to 23rd of September 2010


Organised by
Glossa, the Society for Medieval Studies in Finland

in collaboration with
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS)
University of Helsinki
Written Culture in Medieval Finland project
Finnish Literature Society
The conference is funded by
Thure Galléns Stiftelse
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
Niilo Helander Foundation

Seeing, Hearing, Reading and Believing. Authorities in the Middle Ages will be arranged in Helsinki 20-23 September 2010. This international conference seeks to offer a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and academics, enhance interdiscpilinary discussion, promote scholarly networking, and set up an innovative platform for scholars who engage with questions of power and authority.
The conference is aimed at established researchers, doctoral students and those working on their master's thesis in medieval history or art history, archaeology, theology, philosophy or literature. Conference sessions will be open to the public. The conference will be held in English.
The conference is organised by Glossa, the Society for Medieval Studies in Finland, the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (HCAS) and the Written Culture in Medieval Finland Project at the University of Helsinki.
Selected conference papers will be published as a refereed theme issue in Mirator, an electronic open access jourrnal on medieval studies.

Call for Papers

The Latin word auctoritas means not only authority and influence, but more generally opinion, encouragement, decree or example. The concept thus resonates deeply in the study of social structures, communication or religious culture, for instance. Who had auctoritas, and how? How was influence built and maintained, how was it lost? How was authority contested? What about model and precedent?
Glossa - the society for medieval studies in Finland is arranging with the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Sudies the multidisciplinary conference SEEING, HEARING, READING AND BELIEVING. AUTHORITIES IN THE MIDDLE AGES in Helsinki, 20-23 September 2010. The organisers seek proposals for papers on the topic of authorities in the Middle Ages. Themes include (but are not limited to) authority/-ies in politics, military history, trade and communication, intellectual history, art and literature as well as religious conformism, adaptation and dissidence. We invite explorations of exercise of authority in different spheres of life, as well as of medieval meditations on the nature of authority, or of the authority of texts and traditions. The conference welcomes researchers across all scholarly fields and disciplines.
Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor David Abulafia (University of Cambridge), Professor Sverre Bagge (University of Bergen) and Professor Albrecht Classen (University of Arizona).
We welcome working papers from established researchers, doctoral students and those working on their Master's thesis. Please send proposals for individual papers of twenty minutes or for whole sessions of three papers with contact details and a 200 word abstract to Tuija Ainonen, at tuija.ainonen@helsinki.fi by 15 December 2009.

source: http://www.glossa.fi/authorities/index.html

Representing the Sexuality of Women in Medieval Europe and Byzantium

CALL FOR PAPERS: for the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, July 12-15, 2010

Session: Representing the Sexuality of Women in Medieval Europe and Byzantium

Session Chairs: Sherry Lindquist, Knox College; and Mati Meyer, The Open University of Israel, Raanana
Images of sexuality are profoundly contested in many societies, and the issues involved have particularly significant real-world consequences for women in patriarchal cultures. It is therefore urgent that we have recourse to relevant historical perspectives that are grounded on a wide-ranging array of nuanced studies. In spite of the evocative scholarly debate that is emerging, we still have only a minimal understanding of this long-neglected but vital subject. Michael Camille, Madeline Caviness and others have addressed some of the ideological meanings inherent in images that appear to display sexual content in western art. Richard Trexler, Robert Mills, Martha Easton and others find historical and theoretical methods of addressing sexual themes in devotional and theological motifs, while Jeffrey Hamburger and Caroline Walker Bynum warn against imposing modern assumptions about sexuality in what they consider to be predominantly religious contexts. Recovering the range of possible medieval views is made more difficult by the disproportionate amount of male, clerical voices whose written work survives, and which often express negative and misogynist views of women by focusing on Eve’s imperfect or Mary’s singular nature. Such views may (or may not) be countered in more vernacular, secular works. It appears that Jewish and Byzantine attitudes towards sexuality differed significantly from the ones expressed by western ecclesiastical writers. Although Sarit Shalev Eyni and Diane Wolfthal, among others, are beginning to explore these topics, there is even less modern scholarship on how the visual operated to reflect, construct or subvert normative attitudes about women’s sexuality in medieval Europe outside of Latin Christianity.

This session seeks papers that offer a comparative, synthetic and interdisciplinary approach to the intersection of sex and images in the Middle Ages, especially as it pertains to the lived experience of medieval women. It invites papers about the built spaces of sexual encounters, the gestural vocabulary of sexual practices, and the visual and written depictions of these activities. We particularly encourage proposals that suggest new methodological approaches or that aim to re-evaluate long-standing approaches and arguments. Themes of special interest include: displays of sexuality in Western and Eastern medieval art; possible cross-cultural affinities or diversities in sexual imagery; the relationship of interior/exterior to sexual representations; allegorical and phantasmagorical places for sexual encounters; and the way that normative, alternative or changing social perceptions towards sexuality are negotiated in the visual realm.

Please send electronic proposal and CV to Sherrylindquist@hotmail.com and msmati@mscc.huji.ac.il.

Source: http://www.bsana.net/opportunities/conferences/leeds.html

The Sacred Places of Medieval Monasticism

Call for Papers: 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, May 13–16, 2010

The Sacred Places of Medieval Monasticism
Organizers: Kristine Kess, University of Chicago; Cristina Stancioiu, UCLA

Monasticism played an important role in the Middle Ages, interacting with and shaping social and political structures, as well as peoples’ religious life.  This panel focuses on the sacred places of medieval monasticism.  Individual holy men and communities often located themselves in opposition to the urban population, withdrawing to the desert or mountainous terrain.  For example, the “holy mountain” is a persistent notion accompanying both eremitic and cenobitic practices in Byzantium, from Sinai and the Wondrous Mountain of Symeon Stylites the Younger, first settled in the 4th and 5th centuries, to the foundation of Meteora in the 14th century.  In the West, along with removal to wilderness places, islands and anchorholds likewise provide important sites for asceticism.  Our goal is to bring together papers from a variety of disciplines, in order to question the construction and representation of specific landscapes in relation to monastic life in both Byzantium and the Medieval West.  These can include interior as well as exterior spaces.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to: the archaeology of specific sites; textual/rhetorical construction of place; artistic patronage and representation of monasteries and their surrounding landscapes; depictions of monastic life; solitary vs. communal spaces; pilgrimage art; saint’s lives; the construction of place in monastic rules, foundation documents and typika; spiritualized landscapes and/or devotional practices.
Please send 300-word abstract and completed Participant Information Form (available online) to:
Cristina Stancioiu
1739 East 1st St., #8
Long Beach, CA 90802
Submissions may be sent electronically or in paper format.  Applications must be postmarked no later than September 15, 2009.

Source: http://www.bsana.net/opportunities/conferences/chicago_u.html

“Time, Temporality, History”, Plymouth State University

2010 Call For Papers

Plymouth State University

31st Annual Medieval and Renaissance Forum

Friday and Saturday 16-17 April 2010

 Call for Papers and Sessions
“Time, Temporality, History”

We invite abstracts in medieval and Early Modern studies that consider questions of periodization, historicity, and temporality. Papers may consider:
  • how people conceived of, constructed, interacted with, measured, or produced “time” in medieval and Early Modern cultures
  • how we currently construct or deconstruct history
  • how studying temporality illuminates other subjects.

Papers need not be confined to the theme, but may cover many aspects of medieval and Renaissance life, literature, languages, art, philosophy, theology, history and music. Student sessions welcome.

Carolyn Dinshaw

This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Carolyn Dinshaw, Professor of English/Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Dr. Dinshaw, the author of  , researches and publishes widely on medieval literature and culture, feminist studies, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender studies, history of sexuality, theories of history and historiography, and mysticism. Her most recent work focuses on theories and experiences of temporality.
Students, faculty, and independent scholars are welcome.
For more information visit www.plymouth.edu/medieval

Please submit abstracts and full contact information (email and post mail addresses) to Dr. Karolyn Kinane at PSUForum@gmail.com

Or via US mail:
Dr. Karolyn Kinane, Director
Medieval and Renaissance Forum
Dept. of English MSC 40
17 High Street
Plymouth State University
Plymouth, NH 03264

Abstract deadline: 15 January 2010
Presenters and early registration: 15 March 2010

Please send any further inquiries to:
Dr. Karolyn Kinane PSUForum@gmail.com

Source: http://www.plymouth.edu/medieval/2010/call_for_papers.html


16-18 April 2010
University of New England
The Australian Association for Byzantine Studies calls for papers for its XVIth Biennial Conference. The conference is being held in honour of Professor John Melville-Jones and the theme will be 'Gender and Class in Byzantine Society'.
Plenary speakers:
Dr Tom Brown, Reader, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, The University of Edinburgh
Professor John Melville-Jones, Classics and Ancient History, University of Western Australia
Dr Shaun Tougher, Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, Cardiff University (to be confirmed)
Gender and class were key social indicators in Byzantine society, as in many others. However, masculine and feminine roles were not always clearly defined, while eunuchs made up a 'third gender'. Social status was also in a state of flux, as much linked to patronage networks as to wealth, as the Empire came under a series of external and internal pressures. This fluidity applied in ecclesiastical as much as in secular spheres. We welcome papers on all aspects of the theme of gender and/or class from the 4th to the 15th centuries, from the Greek East to the westernmost reaches of the Byzantine Empire.
Contributors are invited to interpret the theme broadly and we welcome submissions from all fields. Both scholars with academic affiliation and working independently, as well as postgraduate students, are encouraged to apply.
Registration is now open: download and post the registration form or register online.
The Conference will be held 16-18 April 2010 at the University of New England in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.
Please submit abstracts of up to 500 words for 30-minute papers (including 10 minutes of questions) by 1 April to:
Associate Professor Lynda Garland
School of Humanities
University of New England
New South Wales 2351
tel +61 2 6773 3236
fax +61 2 6773 3520

Dr Tom Brown, Reader, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, The University of Edinburgh
The View from the Provinces: Gender and Society in Byzantine Italy from Justinian to Robert Guiscard
After working as a Research Fellow at Dumbarton Oaks and Birmingham, Tom Brown taught medieval studies at the Australian National University in Canberra for two and a half years. Since 1980 he has taught medieval history at the University of Edinburgh, where he is now Reader. He was the founding editor of the journal Early Medieval Europe. Among his many publications he is perhaps best known for the book Gentlemen and Officers: Imperial Administration and Aristocratic Power in Byzantine Italy 554-800 (London, 1984). His most recent publications include 'The Role of Arianism in Ostrogothic Italy: The Evidence from Ravenna' in The Ostrogoths from the Migration Period to the Sixth Century: An Ethnographic Perspective (Boydell Press, 2007), 'Byzantine Italy, 680-876' in J. Shepard (ed.), The Cambridge History of the Byzantine Empire  (Cambridge, 2008 and 'Lombard Religious Policy in the Late Sixth and Seventh Centuries: The Roman Dimension' in Giorgio Ausenda, Paolo Delogu and Chris Wickham (eds), The Langobards (Boydell, 2009).

Professor John Melville-Jones, Classics and Ancient History, University of Western Australia
The Deplorable Life and Disgusting Death of Andronicus I Comnenus
Professor John Melville-Jones (FRNS, FAHA) is the Winthrop Professor in Classics and Ancient History at the University of Western Australia. Over the course of a distinguished career spanning five decades, he has made a major contribution to Byzantine Studies in Australia. His research specialisations are in the areas of Greek numismatics and the history of the later Byzantine empire, particularly its relations with Venice. He was President of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies from 2000 until 2005.
For his outstanding work in these areas he has received two Greek awards: the Aristotle Award (1999) and the Onassis Foundation Senior Visiting Scholar (2002). In 2009 he worked in the State Archives in Venice as a guest of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, collecting material which documents the relationship between Venice and Constantinople in the 15th century.
A patron of the Perth Numismatic Society, he has published a variety of material relating to ancient Greek and Latin texts which provide information about coinage and its use in the ancient world. He will soon publish the second of two volumes of collected sources documenting the Venetian occupation of Thessalonica in 1423-1430. Some of his most recent publications are:
J.R. Melville-Jones and D. Gilliland Wright, The Greek Corespondence of Bartolomeo Minio, Dispacci from Nauplion (1479-1483) (Padova: Unipress, 2008)

J.R. Melville-Jones, Testimonia Numaria Volume II (London: Spink, 2007)
J.R. Melville-Jones, 'Venetian History and Patrician Chroniclers' in Chronicling History: Chroniclers and Historians in Medieval and Renaissance Italy, (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2007).

Dr Shaun Tougher, Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, Cardiff University (to be confirmed)

source: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~byzaus/conferences/16th2010/

Sewanee Medieval Colloquium "Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages"

Call for Abstracts of Papers

Thirty-Seventh Annual
Sewanee Medieval Colloquium

April 9 – 10, 2010
Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages
David Gitlitz and Linda Davidson, University of Rhode Island
Antonio Momplet Míguez, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

We invite proposals for 20-minute papers from all disciplines on any aspect of medieval pilgrimage.  We also welcome proposals for 3-paper sessions on particular topics related the theme.  Please submit an abstract (approx. 250 words) and brief c.v., electronically if possible, no later than 23 October 2009. If you wish to propose a session, please submit abstracts and vitae for all participants in the session. Commentary is traditionally provided for each paper presented.  Therefore, completed papers, including notes, will be due no later than 10 March 2010. The Sewanee Medieval Colloquium Prize will be awarded for the best paper by a graduate student or recent PhD recipient (degree awarded since June 2007).
Sewanee Medieval Colloquium
The University of the South
735 University Avenue

Sewanee, Tennessee  37383-1000

Tel. (931) 598-

E-mail: sraulsto@sewanee.edu

source and more: http://www.sewanee.edu/Medieval/main.html

Mid-America Medieval Association, Monastic and Religious Life in the Middle Ages

MAMA Annual Conference XXXIV

MAMA Call for Papers XXXIV

Where: Conception Abbey
When: Saturday, February 27, 2010

Theme: Monastic and Religious Life in the Middle Ages

The keynote speaker will be William Courtenay, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Courtenay's topic will be "Medieval Universities as Religious Communities."

Though the conference theme will focus on monastic and religious life, papers on any medieval topic will be considered. Graduate students are eligible for the Jim Falls Paper Prize and must submit a copy of their completed paper electronically to Jim Falls at FallsJ@umkc.edu no later than February 1, 2010.

For your paper to be considered for presentation, please send a one-page abstract to:
Thomas Sullivan
Email: ThomasSull@gmail.com
Phone: (660) 944-2860
Fax: (660) 944-2800

Abstracts are due no later than December 15, 2009.

Our thanks to Brother Thomas and Conception Abbey.

Conception Abbey is located in Conception, Missouri, approximately 100 miles north of Kansas City, 145 miles south of Des Moines, Iowa, and 140 miles south of Omaha, Nebraska. The Kansas City International Airport (MCI) is approximately 80 miles south of the Abbey, an hour-and-a-half's drive.

Maryville, Missouri, is approximately twenty miles from Conception Abbey. Driving time between Maryville and Conception Abbey is approximately 30 minutes from US 136. There are three motels/hotels in Maryville providing accommodations: Comfort Inn, Holiday Inn Express, and Super 8 Motel. The Maryville Hotels link to the right will bring you to the reservation pages of each of these motels.

Abbey Guest Center
Conference attendees are welcome to stay at the monastery's Guest Center. The Abbey Guest Center link to the right will bring you to the center's homepage.

The Abbey Guesthouse was built as student dormitory in the mid-1960s. Bathrooms are shared (two rooms share one bathroom) and showers are located down the hall. Rates for accommodations are as follows:

         Individual overnight package                                                     $50.00
              dinner, room, breakfast and lunch
Individual 3 days/2 nights package                                          $100.00
              room and meals
Double accommodations, overnight package                         $85.00
              dinner, room, breakfast and lunch
Double accommodations, 3 days/2 nights package             $170.00
              room and meals
Conference attendees should make reservations directly with the Abbey Guest Center.

Individuals with special dietary needs are asked to inform the Guestmaster, Fr Patrick, of these when they make their reservations.

Saturday Noon Meal at Conception
Conception Abbey will provide a noon meal on Saturday available to those not staying at the Abbey for the Conference for $12.

Concert "Knowledge and Spirituality in the Middle Ages"
Northwest Missouri State University's Tower Concert Choir will be giving a concert in connection with the MAMA conference on Sunday, March 7, 2010, at 8pm in the Abbey Basilica.

Source: http://www.midamericamedievalassociation.org/conference.htm

Symposium on Crusade Studies

The Second International Symposium on Crusade Studies
Saint Louis University
17-20 February 2010

World events continue to bring the subject of the Crusades to a place of prominence and importance. This surge of interest comes on the heels of a renaissance in Crusade scholarship that has greatly expanded our understanding of all aspects of the movement. While a western phenomenon, the Crusades also represented an interactive episode in which diverse cultures - western Christian, eastern Christian, Jewish, and Muslim, among others - came into contact, conflict, and collaboration. The International Symposium on Crusade Studies is organized quadrennially by the Crusades Studies Forum at Saint Louis University to explore and inquire into these questions and dynamics. The Symposium provides a venue for scholars to approach the Crusades from many different perspectives, to present the fruits of new research, and to assess the current state of the field.
Plenary Speakers Include:
Michael Angold, University of Edinburgh
Ronnie Ellenblum, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Eva Haverkamp, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
Ahmet T. Karamustafa, Washington University
Christopher MacEvitt, Dartmouth College
Suleiman Mourad, Smith College
Jonathan Phillips, Royal Holloway, University of London
John H. Pryor, University of Sydney
Marina Rustow, Emory University

The Symposium has two related phases. Phase I will take place on the evenings of February 17, 18, and 19 when two distinguished speakers will deliver plenary lectures of general interest followed by questions and discussion. These lectures are free and open to the public. Phase II will begin on Friday, February 19. It will consist of scholarly papers of twenty minutes in length delivered in concurrent sessions. In addition, there will be a Special Plenary Session on the topic of "Impact: Muslim, Jewish, and Eastern Christian Responses to the Crusades," as well as a concluding roundtable. Registration is necessary to participate in Phase II of the Symposium. (Registration information will be posted soon.) A reception and banquet will conclude the Symposium.
For more information email us at cmrs@slu.edu or call 314-977-7180.
The Symposium is made possible by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Saint Louis University. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
source: http://crusades.slu.edu/symposium/

Old St. Peter's Rome Conferene, The British School at Rome, 22- 25 March 2010

The basilica that was built by Constantine at the Vatican in the early fourth century to mark the burial place of the Apostle Peter became the central place for Christian worship in the West for more than a millennium until its protracted demolition over the course of the sixteenth century. The essential chronology of the construction of Old St Peter’s, and the major modifications made to its fabric over subsequent centuries, are well established. But a great many questions remain to be answered about details of the building and its monuments, and on the ways in which the basilica and its environs functioned as a ‘theatre’ of worship, burial and power throughout the middle ages from the fourth to sixteenth centuries.
This major international conference, hosted by the British School at Rome, will bring together both leading and new scholars in the fields of ancient, medieval and early modern art history, musicology and liturgical history to answer some of these questions by focussing on the fabric, monuments and use of the basilica of Old St. Peter’s.

Conference convenors

Rosamond McKitterick, University of Cambridge
John Osborne, Carleton University
Carol M. Richardson, The Open University
Joanna Story, University of Leicester


Monday 22 March

Plenary lecture (18.00–19.00 as part of the BSR public lecture series)
Paolo Liverani (Università degli studi di Firenze)

Tuesday 23 March

Session I 09.00-10.30
Opening of conference and welcome - Christopher Smith (Director of the British
School at Rome)
Richard Gem (UK), Constantine, Constans and St Peter's: A New Solution to the Building History of the 4th-century Basilica
Lex Bosman (University of Amsterdam), Spolia in the Fourth-century Basilica
Joan Barclay Lloyd (ex LaTrobe, Melbourne), Revisiting Old St. Peter's with Richard Krautheimer

Session II 11.00-12.30
Olof Brandt (PIAC), The Early Christian Baptistery of St. Peter's
Meaghan McEvoy (Dumbarton Oaks/ University of Oxford ), The Mausoleum of Honorius: Late Roman Imperial Christianity and the City of Rome in the Fifth Century
Judson J. Emerick (Pomona College), Did the Early Christian Sant'Anastasia copy Old St. Peter's?

Session III 14.00-15.30
Chair for sessions III and IV - Serena Romano (Université de Lausanne)
Respondent - Herbert Kessler (Johns Hopkins University)

Antonella Ballardini (Università degli studi Roma Tre), Per una ricostruzione dell'oratorio di Giovanni VII nell'antica basilica Vaticana: la decorazione architettonica e scultorea
Paola Pogliani (Università degli studi della Tuscia), Per una ricostruzione dell'oratorio di Giovanni VII (705-707) nell'antica basilica Vaticana: i mosaici
Per Jonas Nordhagen (University of Bergen) , Palladium of the Urbs: The Orant Maria Regina of A.D. 705-707. Byzantine Image-making before Iconoclasm

Session IV 16.00-17.30
Annie Labatt (Yale University), The Life of the Roman “Anastasis” in Old St. Peter's from John VII to Formosus
Giulia Bordi (l'Università degli studi della Tuscia), Frammenti musivi dell'antica basilica di S. Pietro
Pietro Zander (Reverenda Fabbrica di San Pietro), The Paintings of Old St Peter's

Wednesday 24 March

Respondent/chair for sessions V and VI - Yitzhak Hen (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Session V 09.00-10.30
Alan Thacker (IHR University of London), Clergy and Custodes at Old St Peter's, 4th- 8th Centuries
Eamonn O'Carragain (University of Cork), Interactions Between Liturgy and Politics in Old St Peter's, 670-740: John the Archcantor, Sergius and Gregory II and III
Peter Jeffery (University of Notre Dame), The Roman Liturgical Year and the Early Liturgy of St. Peter's

Session VI 11.00-12.30
Jesse Billett (University of Cambridge), Qualiter in monasteria Romanae ecclesiae: Music and the Monastic Liturgy in Old St Peter's Reconsidered
Charles McClendon (Brandeis University), Old St Peter's and the Iconoclastic Controversy
Ann van Dijk (Northern Illinois University), Old St. Peter's and the Cult of Icons in Rome

Respondent/chair for sessions VII and VIII – Thomas FX Noble (University of Notre Dame)
Session VII 14.00-15.30

Rosamond McKitterick (University of Cambridge), The Role of Old St Peter's in the Liber Pontificalis
Joanna Story (Leicester University), The Carolingians and Old St Peter's
Caroline Goodson (Birkbeck College), Old St Peters and the political topography of Carolingian Rome

Session VIII 16.00-17.30
Carmela Vircillo Franklin (American Academy in Rome), The Legendary of St Peter's Basilica: Hagiographic Traditions and Innovations in the late 11th century
John Osborne (Carleton University), Plus Caesare Petrus: The Medieval Understanding of the Vatican Obelisk  

Thursday 25 March

Session IX 09.00-10.30
Katharina Christa Schüppel (Leipzig University), The Stucco Crucifix of St. Peter's: Textual Sources and Visual Evidence on the Renaissance Copy of a Medieval Silver Crucifix
Carol M. Richardson (The Open University), Papal tombs in Old St Peter's after Avignon
Robert Glass (Princeton University), Filarete's Renovation of the Porta Argentea at Old St. Peter's

Session X 11.00-12.30
Catherine Fletcher (Rome Fellow, British School at Rome), Diplomatic Ritual in Old St Peter's During the Fifteenth Century
Bram Kempers (University of Amsterdam), A Hybrid History: The Antique Basilica with a Modern Dome
Close of conference – Susan Russell (British School at Rome)

source: http://www.open.ac.uk/Arts/oldstpeters/index.html

Byzantine Studies Association of North America (BSANA)

2010 Byzantine Studies Conference


The thirty-sixth annual Byzantine Studies Conference will be held at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Links for the information below will be provided once available.
  • Call for papers
  • Conference program
  • Abstracts
  • Welcome Letter
  • Local arrangements information: conference registration, hotel and transportation information
  • Information for graduate students
  • Membership, annual dues and renewal
source: http://www.bsana.net/index.html